Sunday, January 08, 2006

Boring new year

Its another year, and its the same old routine you're seeing everywhere again. People looking back/reflecting on the year just passed, setting new resolutions and predictions for the new year. BOOOORIIINGGG.......

Maybe its just me, cos none of these things ever work for me.

I hate looking back. I know that there is this saying that 'those who do not understand the mistakes of history are likely to commit them again'(or something like that lah)but then again, I'm really someone that never learns, or what my mother always refers to as 讲不听or 'gong bu tia' since young. I dun really see how reflecting will do me much good as I'll get very fustrated that although I didn't do something properly, yet there's nothing I can do to change it. So I prefer not to look back at all.

As much as I hate to look back, I hate to plan forward too. I like to do things spontaneously, spur of the moment. It gives me much more statisfaction when I managed to get it done, as well as the adrenaline rush in going into something knowing nothing. Besides, if I'm so good at predicting whats going to happen next, I might as well just aim to stike toto or 4d every other week or so, and retire happily ever after. We all wish we could do that sometimes don't we?


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