Thursday, May 11, 2006


Started my 1st paper of my final year today, and it was totally my worst.paper.ever. I can't recall the last time in all my years of taking exams that I actually felt like I was going to flunk the paper. !@$%#^&*^!!! and to think that I actually studied for it~!!!! what is going on! Topics that had NEVER EVER appeared in the exams before pop up in not one but two sect B questions, probably costing me a minimum of 10 points for nothing. Sect A qns are supposed to be the short and simple ones, but they are neither short, nor simple. I actually think I might fail this paper. Sux big time. All my hard work over the past 2 yrs would have gone to nought if I really failed this as it would practically ruin my shot at honours... knnbccb. I'll end up just like one of those people that failed multiple modules and end up with a degree without a honours. what was all my hard work for? why do I have to fall at the final hurdle?? totally demoralised for the rest of the papers now, wondered why I'm bothering to study anymore. Just scrap a pass in each and every one left will do. FUCK.


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