Saturday, April 15, 2006


Got myself yet another tattoo again on wednesday. :) I finally decided to do a big scale 'project' that will effectively link all my tattoos together into a nice big concept instead of having them individually on various parts of the body. 'Stamp collecting' as my tatto artist calls them. That evil guy :P

Took almost an hour discussing the idea with the artist and ideas flew back and fro, fast and furiously. Which was real great and I enjoyed it, compared to many other tattoo studios that I went to that simply seems more interested in just earning your money, and do not have much of a constructive input. They basically do not care about what you do to your body, you can tell them you wanna tattoo a hello kitty next to a demonic skull and they'll tell you its a good idea and how nice it would be while showing you pictures of flash that they had used on their previous customers and be real quick to quote you a price. Although this fellow charges significantly higher than the others, I do feel more confident, not to mention comfortable, in him. I know that my concept will be unique, my design will be unique, and there is zero chance that there will be anyone in singapore or even the world that will have a similar tattoo as mine. (maybe bits and pieces but definately not overall :P) What price can you put on your skin? Money can always be earned back easily, but a tattoo is not easy to reverse.

Almost forgot how painful it was and almost jumped when the needle first entered my skin. Took a while to get used to it and the slow numb trobbing continued for the next two hours. A new artist this time, a new design, a new concept. But the addiction remains. Can't wait for the next session. With exams round the corner and cash flow running low, can't exactly do as much or as fast as I would have liked. Hopefully can get the whole thing done by the end of this year. That'll be a nice xmas present for myself. :)


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