Wednesday, June 14, 2006


It came and it went, just like any other day. Nothing special, nothing spectular, just the way I like it. I can't remember the last time I actually 'celebrated' it on my own accord, though good friends and family usually would have a cake and dinner etc for me, which while I truly appreciate, doesn't exactly make me comfortable.

I guess I'm one of those types that is not a 100% comfortable being the center of attraction. The part about birthdays that I especially hate was when people are gathered all around the cake, singing a birthday song, while you just sit there, grinning stupidly happily and making a fool out of yourself birthday wish. It gets worse when your friends suddenly decides that it is a good time to sing different versions of the songs in chinese, cantonese, english etc, thus making a 30 seconds torture song x3. Just when you thought it won't get any worse, strangers that you hardly know or in actual fact do not even know and is not interested in knowing will come up to you, unidentified and possibly spiked drink in hand, demanding you drink it offering it to you and it would have been bad manners to reject it. Thankfully, none of this happen to me this year. :)

Quiet night out with only me and my gal. A simple, peaceful night. Thats all I ever want, and I'm grateful, that I managed to have just that.


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